JMSA marched in the annual Japan Day Parade for the second year and it was a splendid day for
JMSA! We were excited to have over 30 people participating, ranging from board members,
members and their family and friends. We were fortunate to have a perfect parade day with
blue skies. JMSA was one of over 90 groups that marched in the parade.
As we chanted “J-M-S-A,” we made our way down Central Park West from 81st street to 68th
The marchers wore JMSA t-shirts and red happis. We carried large signs describing our
programs such as Scholarship, Global Health, Community Outreach and Mentoring. It was a
wonderful way for JMSA to show support and solidarity with the Japanese Community in NY as
well as to support efforts of the Consulate General of Japan in NY. The Japan Day Parade
overall attracted many participant groups as well as spectators and it was a big success.
Photo link available below!