One year later – a special symposium at Columbia University and Mount Sinai School of Medicine

consortium for japan reliefOne Year Later, a Special 2-day Symposium at Mount Sinai and Columbia University

The Consortium for Japan Relief (CJR) is organizing a special 2-day symposium at two university campuses in NYC. Focus will be on the long term community recovery program and state of mental health in Tohoku, one year later. CJR is Columbia-wide student organizing committee advised by Dr. Shunichi Homma and Dean Jeanette Takamura, along with student coordinators, Emily Kidder, Daiyu Suzuki and Kirsten Homma, and core members, Professors Hugh Patrick, Gerry Curtis, Paul Anderer, and Dr. Robert Yanagisawa (MSSM).

People in Fukushima are faced with particularly high stress level not only with the aftermath of Earthquake and Tsunami, but with the fear and harmful rumors of radiation. Ironically, almost all mental health care facilities in Minami Soma area, including four hospitals with psychiatry unit as well as several outpatient clinics had to be closed down since 3/11. This mounted to some 840 psychiatric inpatient beds.

Faced with dire needs, Dr. Shinichi Niwa and his “Kokoro no Care” team at Fukushima Medical University began to build a new mental health care system in the area. The new outreach healthcare model would benefit not only Fukushima, but the entire North East Japan.

Core networking groups including Columbia University, Fukushima Medical University, JAMSnet Tokyo, JAMSnet NY, Japan Society, Japanese Medical Society of America, Mount Sinai Global Health, IMCRA and others represent an unique collaboration from New York to collectively support the local effort in Fukushima by covering various operation aspects. Lessons learned from this disaster will help us better prepare for the future. We hope to see you at the followings.

Please click here for the flyer with the detailed schedule for Day 2 of the symposium at Columbia.


東日本大震災から一年を振り返って、マウントサイナイ医科大学とコロンビア大学が米国日本人医師会(JMSA)や邦人医療支援ネットワーク(JAMS’ Net)を通じて震災以来継続的に支援してきた福島そして東北全体での「心のケア」プログラムの発表会を4/3にマウントサイナイキャンパスで、4/4コロンビアキャンパスにて開催します。


アイヴィーリーグで有名なコロンビア大学では法学部、ティーチャーズ・カレッジ、政治学部、経済学部、看護学部、医学部などを含む震災に対する総合的支援をConsortium for Japan Relief (CJR)として行っています。本間教授とタカムラ学部長を主任顧問として集まった学生のグループが主体となり、それを大学がサポートする形となって、過去の震災そして東日本大震災から学ぶことをシンポジウムやWikiをベースに将来の震災にも生かそうと言う動きに発展しています。

アウトリーチ型「心のケア」のシステム構築事業は、福島県立医科大学、マウントサイナイ医科大学、コロンビア大学、米国日本人医師会、JAMS’ Netなどが中心となり進めています。Japan Society から3年間の支援が授与され、米戦略国際問題研究所 (CSIS) にも注目されているこの新しいシステム構築が東日本全体のモデル事業に発展されつつあります。

“Building a Long-Term Community “One Year Later: The State of Mental Health Recovery Program in Japan” in Tohoku, Japan”

Date: 4/3/2012 (Tue) 8:30 – 9:30am
Mount Sinai Medical Center
Hatch Auditorium
1190 Fifth Avenue (at E. 101st Street)

“One Year Later: The State of Mental Health in Tohoku, Japan”

Date: 4/4/2012 (Wed) 6:00 – 8:30 pm
Columbia University Campus
Cowin Center, Teachers College
525 W 120th St (facing Broadway)